Today is Babykins 6 month birthday. We have a tradition of having a special dessert on each of her month birthdays. This month brings us to dessert number 7 (we ate the top of our wedding cake when she was born). That got me thinking about how often we've done other activities over the last 6 months. There have been approximately:
- 7 special birthday desserts
- 8.5 pounds gained
- 10 trips to the pediatrician
- 155 baths
- 183 sleepless night
- 300 miles walked
- 458 outfit changes
- 600 pictures taken (just by me and hubbykins)
- 641 hours of nursing
- 800 repetitions of "Doe-a-Deer" and "If You're Happy and You Know It"
- 1830 diaper changes
- 4575 wipes used
- 1 million kisses
Happy 6 month birthday, Babykins!
Makes me tired just thinking about it! I give Mommykins a lot of credit :)