
I recently read this section, and realized I hadn't updated it in over a year! In that time, we've moved to Australia, had a new baby (added to this blog as Babyroo!), and Babykins is now 3! It's been an exciting year.

I'm not even pretending anymore that I'll add to this blog every few days. It's more like once or twice a month - if I'm lucky. But thanks to everyone for continuing to read it. I love my family, and I hope you do, too!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

On Your Mark...Get Set...Go!

In the ongoing quest for a good night's sleep, Hubbykins and I are on a daily mission to thoroughly tire out Babykins.  This has led to a nightly post-dinner, pre-bath "race" up and down the hallway of our apartment building.

One of us goes down to the end of the hallway to clap, cheer, and call Babykins' name.  Since Babykins prefers to walk, the other person holds her hands and helps her make her way.  This always results in a huge smile, and each night Babykins get a little faster.  When she makes it down the hall, Hubbykins and I switch places and help her walk back to the apartment.

I'm sure it sounds odd to the neighbors - clapping, cheering, and high-pitched baby giggles going up and down the hall - but so far they've all been polite enough not to peek outside.

By the end of the race, Babykins is sweaty and tired, Hubbykins and I have sore backs, and we're all ready for bedtime.

One day, when Babykins is preparing to run the 100-yard-dash in the Olympics, we'll be able to tell her how it all began - in a hallway in Hawaii.

Babykins' Hallway Racetrack


  1. But, is babykins sleeping....

  2. Unfortunately, the running around the hall method has not worked :(
