
I recently read this section, and realized I hadn't updated it in over a year! In that time, we've moved to Australia, had a new baby (added to this blog as Babyroo!), and Babykins is now 3! It's been an exciting year.

I'm not even pretending anymore that I'll add to this blog every few days. It's more like once or twice a month - if I'm lucky. But thanks to everyone for continuing to read it. I love my family, and I hope you do, too!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Along with crawling and pulling herself up on furniture (and walls and tubs and pantlegs),  Babykins started to "cruise" yesterday.  This is where she holds onto furniture to be able to walk by herself.  It's fabulous, but it has re-confirmed her status as Babyzilla.

Whether she's crawling or cruising, when Babykins encounters an obstacle she doesn't go around it, she goes over.  And if she can't get over, she pushes and shoves until it's out of her way.  Occasionally, even when something isn't directly in her path, she'll move over a bit just so that she can step on it.  This goes for books, toys, and mommy and daddy.  She's even been known to crawl over other mommies and babies at her play group.

At times you can practially hear her thinking, "ROAR," as she smashes her way through piles of toys and stomps down on magazine pages (which inevitably stick to her foot and follow her on her quest).  She may be a cute, tiny baby, but in her head, she's Babyzilla!

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