In the last 2 days, Babykins has gone from timid crawler to fearless explorer. Yesterday morning I sat her down in the hallway for a minute, and got back just in time to see her reaching her little finger toward the electrical outlet.
Which leads me to the major con of a crawling baby - baby proofing (and really, who needs proof that there's a baby in the house, anyway? If you need proof, just look at the insane pile of toys littered across our living room). After the outlet scare, Babykins and I made a trip to the store and spent the afternoon turning our apartment into an invincible fortress. The problem is that Babykins isn't the only one who can no longer open our kitchen cabinets. All of the pots and pans I used to cook last night are still sitting on the counter because it's so darn hard to open the cabinet, I've decided to wait and see if I can just re-use them for cooking tonight.
The positive, though, is that I'm learning much more about Babykins' personality. Before, I would guess which toy Babykins wanted to play with and put it in front of her. She would occasionally fuss for something different, but for the most part, she played where we placed with the toys we gave her until we changed things up.
Now when Babykins gets tired of a toy or her current location, she looks around the room, zeroes in on something interesting, and crawls over to examine it. It's fascinating to watch her decision process and see what she chooses to play with. I never would have guessed that the thing that would most grab her attention this morning would be her car seat.
I'm not at all surprised, though, that 9 times out of 10, the thing she finds most interesting is the one thing I didn't want her to play with. Electronics, beware! Babykins is coming your way!
Good luck with the baby proofing. I determined that baby proofing was impossible - even after putting the kitchen chairs on top of the table every day!