Babykins' Auntie MO (Short for Marvelous One) arrived last night and is going to be spending 2 weeks in Hawaii. This is the first time Babykins will actually be old enough to understand that she's being spoiled. The last time we had long-term visitors, the little sweetie pie didn't realize that she was getting picked up, carried, and played with more than usual.
This time, she has very quickly discovered that with an adoring auntie around, life is much more fun than when it's just Babykins and mommy all day. Every whim and want can be met in half the time. There's never a time when a quick fuss goes unanswered. And when mommy can't immediately attend to her, a cute look aimed at auntie will quickly do the trick.
Babykins loves her Auntie MO and is soaking up all the extra attention. It's going to be a sad, sad day for her when it goes back to just being mommy at her beck and call.
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