
I recently read this section, and realized I hadn't updated it in over a year! In that time, we've moved to Australia, had a new baby (added to this blog as Babyroo!), and Babykins is now 3! It's been an exciting year.

I'm not even pretending anymore that I'll add to this blog every few days. It's more like once or twice a month - if I'm lucky. But thanks to everyone for continuing to read it. I love my family, and I hope you do, too!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dreams Really Do Come True

Every once in awhile Babykins comes out with something that takes me completely by surprise. Last month, Babykins was on a Cinderella kick. We watched that movie everyday for two weeks. Babykins had every song and word memorized. We eventually had to take it back to Blockbuster, and I didn't give the movie another thought.

A week later, I was talking to Babykins at breakfast about her dreams. She said she'd had bad dreams the night before and got really upset. I tried to reassure her that they were just dreams and there was no need to be afraid. She wasn't convinced.

We kept talking about dreams, and finally Babykins looked at me and said, "But mommy, Cinderella sings that all of your dreams will come true!"

Ahhh... And I spent the next 5 minutes explaining that Cinderella only meant that your GOOD dreams would come true.

Darn you, Disney, and your ambiguously cheery songs.

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