This actually happened before Babyroo was born.
Although I got the feeling Babykins didn't really remember me pre-pregnancy, she was definitely well aware of my large belly. One day when I was 8 months pregnant, we were sitting outside doing chalk drawings, when I started to draw our family in stick figures.
I started with Babykins. She got curly hair as her distinguishing feature. Next, I moved on to Hubbykins. Babykins informed me I had to draw him bigger than the Babykins figure. Yes, we have a very smart toddler. As I was drawing Hubbykins' arms, Babykins requested that I draw them so their stick figures were holding hands. She's also a very sweet toddler. Last, I moved on to drawing myself. I was almost done, when Babykins declared, "No, Mama! Your picture needs a BIG belly!" She then insisted I draw a big circle for my belly, after which she was satisfied that we were all accurately represented in our pictures. Sigh...
Loving your blogs. Glad you started them again.