
I recently read this section, and realized I hadn't updated it in over a year! In that time, we've moved to Australia, had a new baby (added to this blog as Babyroo!), and Babykins is now 3! It's been an exciting year.

I'm not even pretending anymore that I'll add to this blog every few days. It's more like once or twice a month - if I'm lucky. But thanks to everyone for continuing to read it. I love my family, and I hope you do, too!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Foiled Again

My mom seems to enjoy most the stories where Babykins outsmarts me, so here is installment #452 in the "Babykins is much craftier than Mommykins" series...

When Babykins started facing forward in her stroller, one of the benefits was that I could now have the occasional (or frequent) snack on our walks without feeling guilty as she stared at me, wondering why I wouldn't share.

Last week, as we wandered through the mall, I stopped at a store for a cherry Slurpee (yes, they'll sell those things to grown-ups).  While we waited in line, Babykins pulled one of her Houdini maneuvers, somehow managing to wiggle out of the stroller's 5-point harness, turn around, and stand up, all before I even realized she was up to no good.  I sat her back down and strapped her in more snugly this time, but not before she'd caught sight of my Slurpee.

Babykins started making "I want" hand signs, which I ignored while I paid for the drink and left the store.  My hope was that when we got into the hub-bub of the mall, she'd be distracted by all of the activity and forget about the Slurpee.  It was a silly dream.  Every few seconds Babykins would turn in her seat and look up at me expectantly.

I tried everything.  First, I tried holding the Slurpee out of her sight and only taking sips when she wasn't looking.  Apparently Babykins has eyes in the back of her head, too, and magically knew to turn just as I was putting the straw in my mouth.  Next, I tried just avoiding her eyes and gulping it down as quickly as possible.  Not only did this not deter Babykins, I ended up with a brain freeze.  Finally, I tried reasoning with her, explaining to Babykins that Slurpees are big-people drinks and little babies wouldn't like them.  But it turns out she's 11 months old, and reasoning is futile.

After a few minutes, I did the only thing I could.  I pulled the straw out of the Slurpee and let Babykins take a sip, desperately hoping that she wouldn't like it.  Babykins licked the straw, thought a second, then opened her mouth wide for another sip.  I was stuck.  Now, not only would I have to share my Slurpee, but I'd feel like a bad mommy as everyone in the mall watched me feed my baby a sugary snack. 

We continued toward the next store, with me drinking as quickly as possible and stopping every few steps to give Babykins a sip.  After 5 sips, it was more than enough sugar for Babykins, and I decided it was time to man up.  I threw away the last 1/4 of my Slurpee.  Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. I sure do enjoy the stories where babykins outsmarts mommykins. My babykins is always trying to outsmart me!!!!
