Babykins has long been a fan of puppies. Over the last few months she's gone from staring, to pointing, to yelling, "Woof, woof!"
Recently, Babykins has started to pretend she's a puppy. We'll be walking along, and she'll suddenly drop to all fours and begin crawling along saying, "Woof, woof." It's adorable.
Then yesterday we were walking through Walmart, when Babykins went into puppy mode. In the middle of the store, she began crawling down the aisle. It was very cute, in a crawling on a dirty floor and making people swerve their carts, kind of way.
Hubbykins and I smiled at her, said "Good puppy," then told her it was time to get up and walk. At which point Babykins instead dropped to her tummy and began slithering across the floor like a little wiggle worm.
Funny. Very, very gross, but funny.
Luckily, Hubbykins and I realize that not everyone thinks our child is as cute as we do, so we scooped her up off the floor and popped her in the cart for the rest of the trip.
This has become a regular occurrence, now. At least once or twice a day we find ourselves in a random place with Babykins crawling and barking, pleased as punch to be a puppy. Everyone who sees her just smiles and laughs. Just like a real puppy, Babykins is bringing happiness to everyone around her.
Oh my goodness. Meg did EXACTLY the same thing, as in , act like a puppy.