Lately Babykins has been all about the animals. Not only does she just about jump out of her stroller with excitement when we pass a puppy, but she starts calling, "Woo, woo!" - Babykins speak for Woof, woof! Along with puppy noises, Babykins has started saying, "Baa!" She knows it's the sound that sheep make, but she's also convinced that goats and horses should say, "Baa," too.
With all of the excitement about animals, one of our new favorite games is naming animals in books so that Babykins can find and point to them. Her favorite animal to find is the rooster. She'll pick up the book, flip quickly through the pages, and frantically point to the rooster while calling, "Ca, ca!" Short, of course, for Cockadoodledoo!
So last week we were looking at a page that had a fish, a puppy, and a baby.
"Babykins, where's the puppy?" I asked.
Babykins pointed to the puppy and yelled, "Woo, woo!"
"Can you find the fishie?" I asked.
She pointed to the fish.
I finished up with, "Babykins, can you point to the baby?"
At which point Babykins looked up at me, gave a big smile, and proudly patted her own belly!
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