Recently, US Grandma bought Babykins a pair of pink Crocs. Not only are they pink, they have a puppy on the left shoe. They NEVER leave Babykins' feet. If we didn't make her take them off before bath and bed, Babykins' little tootsies would never have a chance to breath.
We got our carpets cleaned a week ago, and I was very excited to keep the floors looking fresh for awhile. Hubbykins and I take our shoes off when we get home, and we've always popped off Babykins' shoes, too. After awhile she'd remember and walk around the house saying, "Shoes! Shoes!" To which we would respond, "No shoes now!" and Babykins would continue on her way.
This week, though, that's all changed. Not only can Babykins say, "Shoes," she has now figured out how to put her shoes on all by herself! These days when I hear Babykins little voice calling out "Shoes!" it's not because she needs help putting them's because they're already on her feet.
Goodbye, clean carpet! Hello, independent Babykins!
Sesame Street
Back in July we took Babykins to see Sesame Street Live! I swear it's the only time I've ever seen Babykins sit entirely still for 1 1/2 straight hours. Since then, Babykins' obsession with Sesame Street has steadily grown.
She's allowed to watch one Sesame Street a day, and over the last month Babykins has steadily progressed in her Sesame Street knowledge. In the beginning, we were amazed to hear her sing, "Lalalala," whenever she saw a picture of Elmo (as in, Lalalala, Lalalala, Elmo's World). Then this week she surprised us by actually saying Elmo's name! That was quickly followed by Cookie (accompanied by putting her hands to her mouth in a mime of eating cookies and saying, "Numnumnum") and Ahkar (Oscar).
So much for no TV before 2.
Baby Doll
The book we had on babies said that most babies choose a favorite animal or blanket as their "lovey" somewhere between 8 and 12 months. The only lovey Babykins wanted was mama and dada.
Then last weekend Hubbykins took Babykins on a walk. I could hear them in the hallway for a long time, which is usually a sign that any minute they'll be coming back in and Babykins will be handing me my shoes, insisting that I come along.
Sure enough, seconds later I hear the key in the door. Hubbykins popped his head in, looked at me, and said, "You've been replaced." Babykins came shooting in after him calling, "Baby, baby, baby!" She ran into the living room, scooped up baby doll, gave her a big hug, and ran back out into the hallway, ready for her walk.
We don't go anywhere without baby doll anymore, which is why in the last few weeks she gotten very dirty, fallen in a plate of curry at a restaurant, and has developed some mysterious stains on her head. Hang in there, baby doll, we need you.
Ok, so there were only going to be 3 obsessions, but Babykins has reminded me multiple times already this morning about her newest obsession...
Being Naked
Babykins has never been a big fan of clothes, but last week she discovered how to take off her diaper, which adds a whole new dimension to the being naked obsession. Two or three times a day now, Babykins will run up to us, throw a diaper at our feet, then run away laughing, stark naked out of the room.
And once the diaper's off, getting a new one on is akin to catching and subduing a greased pig. We've started bribing Babykins by specially picking out the diapers that have Elmo on them (see obsession #2). The diapering process is now immediately followed by pants, which Babykins has not figured out how to remove...yet.